Ayurvishwa Healthcare


Panchakarma (Detox Programmes)

Panchakarma Treatment

Prevention is better than cure.

Panchakarma Treatments are very effective in completely removing saturated toxins from the body and, therefore, eliminating the root cause of disease. Panchakarma Treatments are not only for patients but also for healthy individuals. It is a method to detoxify your body to prevent any diseases. This eventually helps to build a stronger immune system and a healthy body.

At Ayurvishwa Healthcare, Nadi Vaidya diagnose the patient by analyzing the status of doshas in the human body, understands the symptoms, and advises the suitable Panchakarma treatment, if necessary.

The different Panchkarmas, carried out of Ayurvishwa Healthcare are as below :
  1. Virechan – Useful for pitta problems, skin problems, herpes, hyperacidity.
  2. Vamana – Useful for chronic cough/ allergic conditions, various respiratory problems, skin problems, psoriasis, vitiligo, Urticaria.
  3. Nasya – Useful for all problems of sensory organs, headache, hair fall, sinusitis.
  4. Basti – Especially beneficial for Arthritis, muscular weakness, infertility, weight loss, and weight gain.
  5. Raktamokshan – Useful for Painful joint conditions, Skin disorders, Urticaria
  6. Shirodhara – Beneficial for hair problems, anxiety, sleep disorders, relaxation.